Du søkte etter: Membranfilter

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

Membrane filters serve as effective physical barriers that remove solids, viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted molecules. Specialized types are designed for softening, disinfecting, organic removal processing, and water desalination. The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.

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Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: MF-Millipore™ filters without Triton® surfactant contain minimum amounts of wetting agent and have a lower water extractable content than standard MF-Millipore™ filters.

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: These PP white filters are designed for general clarification and prefiltration of solvents, deionized water and bioburden reduction.

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Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Durapore® PVDF white membranes provide high flow rates and throughput, low extractables and broad chemical compatibility. Hydrophlic membrane binds far less protein than nylon, nitrocellulose, or PTFE membranes.
Produsent: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Beskrivelse: Hydrophilic PES Supor® membrane for reduced filtration time, optimised for biological, pharmaceutical and sterilising filtration requirements.

Sertifikater Tilbud

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: Ultrafiltration membranes - Amicon™ XM polyacrylonitrile/PVC co-polymer filters. High-recovery membranes for stirred cells.

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: ZHE (Zero Head Space Extractor) hazardous waste filtration system, which is approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an apparatus for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) measurement. The system cannot pressurise unless completely assembled; this eliminates accidentally 'shooting the piston' out of the unit and assures safe operation. Choose both manual and automatic venting modes.

Produsent: Sartorius
Beskrivelse: Hydrofobt, PTFE. Til filtrering av luft, gasser, løsningsmidler og syrer. Sterilisering med autoklavering eller etylenoksid.

Produsent: Sartorius
Beskrivelse: These are general purpose membrane that provide excellent performance with most solutions when retentate recovery is of primary importance.

Produsent: ENTEGRIS
Beskrivelse: These filter disc series with non-woven PP media can be used for simple, quick and efficient filtration of fluids used in laboratory, pilot and small scale applications. Can be used for clarification of acids, bases and solvents.

Produsent: Spectrum Laboratories
Beskrivelse: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Produsent: Spectrum Laboratories
Beskrivelse: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Produsent: Spectrum Laboratories
Beskrivelse: These woven filters are constructed of individual strands woven into a mesh screen, characterised by precise mesh openings, percent open area and mesh thickness. Available in five material types with different physical, chemical and thermal characteristics to select from depending on your application. Available in discs or square sheets.

Produsent: Merck
Beskrivelse: PVC membrane filters are specified by ASTM, NIOSH, and OSHA in air monitoring applications to analyse silica, carbon black, metals, quartz particulates and others.

Produsent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beskrivelse: Nuclepore™ track-etched hydrophilic membrane filters offer a highly defined pore size cut-off in the submicron range, enabling particle deformity measurement and capture of extremely small particles. The membranes have sharply defined pores, high flow rates, and excellent chemical and thermal resistance. They are suitable for a variety of samples and applications, including microscopy, cytology, parasitology, and certain air and oceanography analyses.

Produsent: Sartorius
Beskrivelse: Membrane filters manufactured from high grade PC film using track etch technology. Applicable for particulate analysis, epifluorescence miroscopy, fluid clarification, cytology, cell biology, bioassays, water microbiology, environmental analysis.

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Produsent: Spectrum Laboratories
Beskrivelse: Pre-cut membrane discs are used with Spectra/Por® MacroDialyzers and Equilibrium Dialyzers.

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