HERAcell® i CO₂ Incubators

Leverandør: Thermo Scientific
51032719 51032876 51032875 51032720 50162128
390-1357EA 0 NOK
390-1357 390-1360 390-1359 390-1358 390-1445
HERAcell® i CO₂ Incubators
Inkubatorer CO₂-inkubatorer
HERAcell® i series CO₂ incubators provide stable, accurately monitored growth conditions offering excellent protection against contamination for valuable cell and tissue cultures. Extremely short CO₂ and temperature recovery times enhance cell growth. They are available in two practical sizes and two inner chamber designs; non-corrosive stainless steel or 100% antimicrobial solid copper (to verifiably prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi by natural means). As standard, models are supplied with high quality thermal conductivity (TC) sensors.

  • Optimum growth cultures thanks to secure and stable incubation conditions
  • Large, directly heated water reservoir provides recovery times that are up to five times faster than conventional water pans to minimise culture desiccation
  • Fan-assisted circulation provides more efficient circulation of critical temperature, gas and humidity conditions to provide healthy, uniform cells. These standardised conditions contribute to less variation and more reproducible results
  • Exclusive ContraCon high temperature decontamination routine - a 90 °C moist heat disinfection cycle. Independent third party tests prove elimination of biological contaminants including fungal mould, vegetative and spore forms of bacteria, including mycoplasma
  • Cultures protected from drying out by fast humidity recovery times

Synlige alarmsignaler på displayet. iCAN™-berøringsskjermen (Interactive Control Access Navigator) gir bedre overvåking og kontroll, rask tilgang til alle de viktige inkuberingsparametrene og trendanalyse for enkel evaluering av enhetens ytelse. Kontrollen er plassert på døren for at den skal være lett tilgjengelig og godt synlig. Valg mellom flere språk. Hvis det gjøres endringer i dyrkingsforholdene, vises alle endringene med en gang via protokoller og brukerregistreringer på skjermen. Glassdørene har sikkerhetslås for å hindre at de indre dørene blir stående åpne. Korte fuktighetsgjenopprettingstider. Enhetene har en stor vanntank med direkte oppvarming, samt opptil fem ganger raskere fuktighetsgjenopprettingstider enn vanlige inkubatorer med vanntank. Hørbare og synlige alarmer ved lavt vannivå.

Tilbehørs informasjon: IR-CO₂ sensor (dual-beam infrared sensor) is recommended if the temperature and humidity change frequently (e.g. if the door is opened frequently for access) a dual-beam infrared (IR) sensor is recommended as a factory fitted option. The IR sensor is unaffected by the effects of humidity and heat. Optional O₂ control unit is also available with two kind of O₂ control ranges and Auto-Cal automatic calibration for applications that require hypoxic or hyperoxic conditions. The iONGUARD™ antimicrobial silver matrix is designed to inhibit the growth of biological contaminants on stainless steel chambers and helps protect precious cells while maintaining their appearance.
Along with 100% pure copper interiors, there is a choice of the best surface contamination prevention technologies available.

Leveringsinformasjon: All units are supplied with three stainless steel or solid copper shelves. Please contact Avantor for details.
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